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About Me

I'm Michelle Bartlett, and this is My Family

Bartlett Family Picture. Two Adults, 4 Children

Hi! I am Michelle Bartlett. I am a wife, a mother of 4, a musician, and a homemaker.

My passion is being a wife and mother, but I also love hiking, boating, and being in the outdoors in beautiful North Carolina. 

I come from a long line of fantastic cooks.  Many recipes I have come from my grandma. My mom learned from my grandma, and I learned from my mom.  

Some of these recipes are my grandma's originals, others are from my mom, and many I have developed myself.

Everyone talks about their grandma's cooking with nostalgia.  If you want recipes that are simple and taste like home, then this is your place!  I cook simply with normal everyday ingredients.  I also try to cook cheap to keep up with a growing family.

I grew up in Utah, but lived in Atlantic Canada for 18 months and Nebraska for 4 years before moving to North Carolina. So some of my recipes are a little cultural from these places.

I hope you enjoy cooking with me!

I thought I would include a few pictures of our adventures together so that you can get to know us a bit better.

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